Summer Road Trips - The Damascus Road

Summer Road Trips - The Damascus Road

Pastor Sterling Gosman continues our summer 2016 preaching series. This summer at NMBC we are going on a road trip! We will be preaching from some exciting passages of scripture as we take an Adventure Thru The Bible! In this message, Pastor Sterling preaches on The Damascus Road from Acts 22:4-13. To learn more about our summer series visit Summer Road Trips

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Summer Road Trips - The Timnah Road

Summer Road Trips - The Timnah Road

Pastor Daniel Cormier launches our summer 2016 preaching series. This summer at NMBC we are going on a road trip! We will be preaching from some exciting passages of scripture as we take an Adventure Thru The Bible! Pastor Daniel preaches on The Timnah Road from Genesis 38:11-30. To learn more about our summer series visit Summer Road Trips.

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Habakkuk - Making Sense Out of NonSense

Habakkuk - Making Sense Out of NonSense

"You see it every day. Bad people taking advantage of the weak. Good people suffering. War. Injustice. Corruption. Ever think God isn't fair? Discover how an Old Testament prophet can inspire a modern day faith in God's Promises."

This message is the second in our Habakkuk series. Pastor Daniel preaches from Habakkuk 2:4-20

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Habakkuk - Wait Watchers Lose Excess Burdens

Habakkuk - Wait Watchers Lose Excess Burdens

"You see it every day. Bad people taking advantage of the weak. Good people suffering. War. Injustice. Corruption. Ever think God isn't fair? Discover how an Old Testament prophet can inspire a modern day faith in God's Promises." This message is the second in our Habakkuk series. Pastor Daniel preaches from Habakkuk 2:1-4.

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War Prayer - Power & Praise that Bring Battle Victory

War Prayer - Power & Praise that Bring Battle Victory

In the Words of a War Prayer series, Pastor Daniel will take us verse by verse through The Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. These famous words are the model Jesus set for us to pray. During this series our small groups will be studying through Jesus' prayer. This week's message is called “Power & Praise that Bring Battle Victory."

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War Prayer - Evil that Makes You Battle Tested

War Prayer - Evil that Makes You Battle Tested

In the Words of a War Prayer series, Pastor Daniel will take us verse by verse through The Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. These famous words are the model Jesus set for us to pray. During this series our small groups will be studying through Jesus' prayer. This week's message is called “Evil that Makes You Battle Tested” and is all about Matthew 6:13 - "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

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War Prayer - Forgiveness that Makes You Battle Strong

War Prayer - Forgiveness that Makes You Battle Strong

In the Words of a War Prayer series, Pastor Daniel will take us verse by verse through The Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. These famous words are the model Jesus set for us to pray. During this series our small groups will be studying through Jesus' prayer. This week's message is called “Forgiveness that Makes You Battle Strong” and is all about Matthew 6:12 - "Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

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