Good News! Great Joy! God's Message to the Shepherds

Good News! Great Joy! God's Message to the Shepherds

This Advent season join us as we hear again the voices of God's messengers - the angels who were sent to Zachariah, Mary, Joseph and the Shepherds. Experience the excitement, the awe, the wonder of God's message - "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." [Luke 2:11] In this message Pastor Daniel speaks from Luke 2:1-20 about God's Message to the Shepherds.

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Revelation to the 7even - Laodicea

Revelation to the 7even - Laodicea

This fall are studying the book of Revelation to see the words spoken in the Bible's final book to the seven churches. As we see what God said to them we're praying that we will hear what he is saying to us today. In this video Pastor Daniel preaches on the eigth week of the series from Revelation 3:14-22 about the Church in Laodicea.

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Revelation to the 7even - Philadelphia

Revelation to the 7even - Philadelphia

This fall are studying the book of Revelation to see the words spoken in the Bible's final book to the seven churches. As we see what God said to them we're praying that we will hear what he is saying to us today. In this video Pastor Daniel preaches on the seventh week of the series from Revelation 3:7-13 about the Church in Philadelphia.

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