Revelation to the 7even - Laodicea

Revelation to the 7even - Laodicea

This fall are studying the book of Revelation to see the words spoken in the Bible's final book to the seven churches. As we see what God said to them we're praying that we will hear what he is saying to us today. In this video Pastor Daniel preaches on the eigth week of the series from Revelation 3:14-22 about the Church in Laodicea.

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Revelation to the 7even - Philadelphia

Revelation to the 7even - Philadelphia

This fall are studying the book of Revelation to see the words spoken in the Bible's final book to the seven churches. As we see what God said to them we're praying that we will hear what he is saying to us today. In this video Pastor Daniel preaches on the seventh week of the series from Revelation 3:7-13 about the Church in Philadelphia.

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Revelation to the 7even - Sardis

Revelation to the 7even - Sardis

This fall are studying the book of Revelation to see the words spoken in the Bible's final book to the seven churches. As we see what God said to them we're praying that we will hear what he is saying to us today. In this video Pastor Daniel preaches on the sixth week of the series from Revelation 3:1-6 about the Church in Sardis.

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2016 Challenge - Saturday Morning

2016 Challenge - Saturday Morning

Pastor Mike Miller, our 2016 Challenge speaker, speaks on Saturday morning. Challenge is our annual student conference in October. Each year we welcome hundreds of students and leaders at Challenge for worship, teaching, Life Experienced sessions and Love Out Loud! For more information about Challenge visit

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Revelation to the 7even - Thyatira

Revelation to the 7even - Thyatira

This fall are studying the book of Revelation to see the words spoken in the Bible's final book to the seven churches. As we see what God said to them we're praying that we will hear what he is saying to us today. In this video Pastor Daniel preaches on the fifth week of the series from Revelation 2:18-29 about the Church in Thyatira.

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Revelation to the 7even - Pergamum

Revelation to the 7even - Pergamum

This fall we will be studying the book of Revelation to see the words spoken in the Bible's final book to the seven churches. As we see what God said to them we're praying that we will hear what he is saying to us today. In this video Pastor Daniel preaches on the fourth week of the series from Revelation 2:12-17 about the Church in Pergamum.

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Revelation to the 7even - Smyrna

Revelation to the 7even - Smyrna

This fall we will be studying the book of Revelation to see the words spoken in the Bible's final book to the seven churches. As we see what God said to them we're praying that we will hear what he is saying to us today. In this video Pastor Daniel preaches on the third week of the series from Revelation 2:8-11 about the Church in Smyrna.

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Revelation to the 7even - Ephesus

Revelation to the 7even - Ephesus

This fall we will be studying the book of Revelation to see the words spoken in the Bible's final book to the seven churches. As we see what God said to them we're praying that we will hear what he is saying to us today. In this video Pastor Daniel preaches on the second week of the series from Revelation 2:1-7 about the Church in Ephesus.

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Jesus Answer for Your Anxiety

Jesus Answer for Your Anxiety

Pastor Daniel preaches from Matthew 6:25-34 about Jesus' answer to anxiety. "There is scar day any Sin against which our Lord Jesus more warns his disciples, or against which He arms them with more variety of arguments, than the sin of disquieting, distracting, distrustful cares about the things of this life. This often ensnares the poor as much as the lover of wealth does the rich." [Matthew Henry]

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Summer Road Trips - Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch Road

Summer Road Trips - Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch Road

Pastor Daniel Cormier finishes our summer 2016 preaching series. This summer at NMBC we are going on a road trip! We will be preaching from some exciting passages of scripture as we take an Adventure Thru The Bible! In this message, Pastor Daniel preached on the Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch Road from Acts 8:26-40.

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