Easter Celebration Ideas & Resources for Families

Good Friday is coming. Easter is coming. Questions from your children about what it means are coming. Are you prepared?

Rather than write a great big long article with lots of advice, we have 3 simple things for your family to do and a list of great resources.

1. Read the Easter story together from the Bible.

  • Choose a gospel [Matthew, Mark, Luke or John] and read the stories of what happened to Jesus. Focus on his death and on his resurrection.
  • Read the Easter story in a children's Bible that's just right for your child. Consider the Jesus Storybook Bible, My First Hands on Bible, the Action Bible, or the Beginners Bible. Most of these are available in Kindle format as well as print.
  • Follow our One Big Story Family Devotions.

2. Make Memories together.

  • Have a special family meal.
  • Make crafts. Looking for ideas? Check the links below.
  • Decorate your house for Easter, brainstorm together as a family, choose creative ways to decorate and focus on the real meaning of Easter.
  • Important! - Go to church on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. 

3. Make it all about Jesus.

  • Don't be afraid to have fun with bunnies and eggs and scavenger hunts. However, make sure that your celebration has way more to do with Jesus than it does with those other things. The whole reason we even have Easter is Jesus - make sure your children understand that.


  • Video: The Meaning of Easter with Phil Vischer. VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer and the cast of Buck Denver Asks...What's in the Bible? explain what Easter is, why Easter matters, and how to share the Gospel with children in this bible video series.
  • Video: Explaining Communion to Kids through the Last Supper with Phil Visher. Phil Vischer talks about the importance of explaining Passover to kids so that they understand the historical context of communion.
  • Five Ways to Prepare Children for Easter. "Easter is a glorious day when we celebrate together the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Children get excited on Easter, but sometimes they don’t always understand what Easter is about."
  • Rediscovering the Symbols of Easter. "Read more thoughts on how eggs and bunnies can point us toward Jesus rather than splitting Easter into what seems like two very different holidays."
  • What is the Meaning of Easter and How Can We Celebrate it? "With Easter bunnies and candy abounding, how can we focus on the true meaning of Easter time – the Resurrection? Find out all the details about the history of Easter below, plus discover ideas for talking to your kids about the crucifixion, and a few ideas for celebrating together as a family."
  • Video:  God's Story - Easter
  • Video: Easter Story Animations - "Available here for viewing and free download are four short animated clips which tell the Easter story."
  • Video: The Easter Story told with Lego.
  • Video: LOVE, the Easter Story for Kids. "When North Point Ministries tells you they want you to help translate the Easter story for children and make it energetic, fun, and poignant, but not too dark, you know it is going to be a good time."
  • Video: Messiah from the Bible Project. "Early in the Bible we are introduced to a strange prophesy that someone will come and fight evil on our behalf. This theme only gets more interesting as the story of the Bible goes on."