Meandering - Home

Meandering. This lovely word speaks of wandering leisurely in an undirected fashion like a serpentine river twisting and curving along through the forest. I love that God leads us along a path with twists and turns. Our journey with Jesus is never boring! Sometimes we clearly see the way forward, other times we’re not sure what’s over the hilltop or around the next corner. The best part however, as the Psalmist wrote, be it through luscious green pastures or dark death valleys, our great Shepherd is with us always (Psalm 23). So each week, in a  curving, winding, roundabout way, I look forward to connecting with you.

Many of you, in light of this time of transition for our church, have been so encouraging, understanding, and loving, through thoughtful acts of kindness and in your faithfulness to pray. Please know that it is greatly appreciated and that God has been powerfully at work through it all. This week I finally downloaded Josh Garrels' new album called, Home.  A part of one song entitled, Home At Last, reads: 

Who is that at the end of lonesome roads
All of us hope there's a home
Place to rest where wounds get dressed
The table's full the sound of laughter in the halls

In a lonely, broken world I am so grateful, by God’s grace, to have a home like this with Gina and our children. I am thankful as well to be a part of a church home, that is also truly a place of acceptance, filled with the healing power of medicinal laughter, and ever around our Lord’s table of sweet fellowship and love.

Thanks for meandering along with me.
Pastor Daniel