Meandering - Mother's Day

In a recent article by Hannah Furness, she tells how the late Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, wanted to protect her family because she feared parachutists dropping into the palace grounds and taking them away. Queen Elizabeth refused to leave London for the safety of the countryside even after the palace was bombed during the Blitz. She would not allow her daughters to be evacuated either. She said, “I would not send the children away without me, and I cannot ever leave the king.” So, not one to cower in a bunker, and determined not to let the Nazi parachutists kidnap her family without a fight, she decided to learn to shoot a firearm. How did she do so? After a bombing raid, rats would scurry out of the rubble providing the Queen Mother with the perfect target practice.
Pondering Mother’s Day, and having read the article about the Queen Mother’s fearless, protective instincts, I recalled my mother’s heroic vigilance over her children. She was known as being so gregarious and sweet but could quickly go into fierce mama bear mode if her cubs needed protection. One day a high schooler, known as the big, local bully, followed me from school into our yard, doing his best to intimidate and scare me all the way. My mom happened to glance out the window and noticed this guy getting ready to work me over. Well, it seemed like a nanosecond and she (being eight months pregnant with my youngest sister at the time) was standing between us. She told him to get off our property and to go pick on someone his own size. Looking down at my mother with a smirk on his face, he chose to use some off colour language and lunged forward to take a swing at me. He might have been big, but he wasn’t very bright. I’ll never forget it. My short, little mom immediately grabbed him by the sweater and thumped him up against the house a couple of times. I can still see the widow panes vibrating. I don’t know who was stunned more, me or the bully, but he turned and ran as fast as he could while my mom threatened to call the police if he ever came back. It all happened so fast. I had no idea she was so strong. Once inside the house, however, she pulled me close, broke down and cried. Later that night she sent my father and me to the guy’s house to make sure his parents knew what he had done (and, I think, to also check and see if he was alright!). As you might imagine, it was an awkward visit. 
Our movie event tomorrow at 3:00pm called “Mom’s Night Out” includes in the story a miscommunication concerning the whereabouts of a child. This leads to some moms kicking their protective instincts into high gear, literally, with police chases and all. It’s a fun, faith-filled movie for everyone. It will be a joy to laugh together as a church family. The option of bowling at 6:30pm is for ladies only. It’s a chance for the guys to take care of the home front and encourage the ladies to go and have some relaxed, grown-up time with friends. 
Being adopted, I’m doubly blessed with two wonderful, courageous mothers. Being married, I’m also blessed with a great mother-in-law, and with the most amazing mother of our children. I thank God for mothers and the wonderful gift that they can be to us. I also realize, however, that the thought of motherhood can be difficult for those whose mothers have passed away, struggle with infertility, bear the pain of having lost children, or find it hard to pay tribute to an absent or abusive mother. Sadly, these, and a myriad of other reasons, can make Mother’s Day a tough time of year. I think we would all agree, whether it’s the Queen Mother, or the Queen Mother of our hearts, it’s important to honour motherhood. At the same time, for the heavy hearted, we will want to remember to ask our Lord to be especially close to them in love and comfort. After all, he’s the true source of the love and comfort that we all really long for and need.   
“As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.” Isaiah 66:13 NIV
Thanks for meandering along with me.