Father's Day Recap

There are moments in the life of a church when all you can say is “YES”! Today was one of those times! The church was completely packed for Father’s Day, the band was awesome, and the preaching was so powerful!

Pastor Daniel spoke from Joshua 24 about the nation of Israel saying they would serve God alone. Yet Joshua told they they couldn’t do it, unless they gave up their idol worship and pledged themselves to the one true God and Him alone. As men of faith, we were challenged to pledge ourselves afresh to God and to be the men God created us to be…God’s A-Men!

We closed out the day with a song by Tim Neufeld called I’m Free! We had over 30 guys (The A-Men Choir) singing out with all they had and it was a blast! Here’s the setlist and crew for today:


The Band:

  • Fisher – keys & vocals
  • Peter – lead guitar
  • Lyle – bass
  • Nate – drums
  • James – vocals
  • Me – acoustic & vocals.
  • With the choir song we also had Mark on Banjo and Danny on harmonica.

Tech Crew:

  • Richard – audio
  • Tjeerd – media
  • Carson – lighting