Mondays & Fridays

I know there’s nothing really special about Fridays. For me a Friday is almost the same as a Monday! No, really it is. The only difference is I have Mondays off and Fridays I work. Both days feel generally the same. On Fridays I finish the media for Sunday services at our church and then I often go to my favourite coffee shop, JustUs, where I’ll spend an hour or so (the “or so” could stretch into two or three hours) sipping a medium roast brew from my NYC Starbucks travel mug and do a little four finger typing on my Mac. You may also find me at that same coffee shop on Mondays enjoying the company of strangers while reading the Psalms, and of course, drinking from the same travel mug.

Mondays are special because I can spend the day doing whatever I wish. I might watch a movie, do laundry, sit and veg out with Twitter & Facebook while watching reruns of M.A.S.H., or I might just hop in the car and head to a local coffee shop. It really doesn’t matter to me if the day is not overly productive – that’s why they call it a day off and I need to unwind from our usual busy weekends!

Fridays are special, too. Not only because it signals the end of a crazy work week, but there’s just something relaxing about Fridays. I can’t pinpoint what makes a Friday so good, but I think it has something to do with the fact that Saturday is fast approaching and that means time with my family – my job as a pastor is put on hold (if that’s even possible) for a few hours. You could say my life is a bit predictable and perhaps boring, but I like predictability – like I know Mondays and Fridays will be good days filled with coffee, reflection, and  a sense of wholeness . And as for boring, life is never boring because it is always filled with Mondays and Fridays!

But then again, I like Wednesdays too!