2015 Summer Plan - Orchard [Grade P-3]

Summer is here!  Starting Sunday, July 5, we will be making some changes for the summer to our Sunday morning programming for elementary age children and we wanted to let you know what to expect. If you have questions please contact us.

What time does The Orchard run on Sundays?
In the summer we will have one church service each week at 10am.  Children will all attend the service with their families and be dismissed part way through to the Orchard at roughly 1030am.

What grades are in The Orchard this summer?
The Orchard includes children who are in grades primary to grade 3. We do not advance children from one grade to the next until Sunday Sept. 13. That means that for the summer, children who were in grades primary - grade 3 during the 2014-15 school year will be a part of the Orchard. For the summer, children who were in grades 4-5 during the 2014-15 school year will attend the service with their families.

What is the Sunday morning schedule for The Orchard?
While each week leaders may adapt the schedule slightly, here is a rough schedule:

  • 1000am Children attend Worship Service with their parents
  • 1030am Children dismissed to Orchard
  • 1035am Large Group Worship & Teaching
  • 1055am Small Groups
  • 1105am Games in Gym
  • 1115am Parents Pickup children from Orchard

Where do I go for The Orchard?
Children must be checked into The Orchard at our registration desk outside the main church office.  After checking in at the desk, The Orchard children will enter our Multipurpose Room, they will remain there for the morning. If at any time you need directions, check at our welcome center in the main church lobby.

What do children learn in the Orchard in the summer?
Each summer we use a video teaching series in order to give our regular volunteers a break and to allow our summer volunteers [you!] to have little preparation and a great morning. This year we are teaching a series called FLIPT - 10 stories of people whose lives were flip upside down when they met Jesus!

Who leads The Orchard during the summer?
During the school year [September – June] we have a fantastic team of dedicated volunteers.  For the summer we like to give them as much time off as we are able.  This means that during the summer, our ministry is run mainly by parents [like you] and other volunteers who are willing to serve God and love our children for one morning during the summer.  We require a team of approximately 6 people every week. Please join us for a week as a volunteer this summer!  Note: All volunteers must complete a Child Abuse Register form and an RCMP / Police Criminal Records Check.

If you have any questions please contact me at jon.dixon@nmbc.ca or our summer student, Rebekah Chute at rebekah.chute@nmbc.ca or call our office at 902-681-7683.

Thanks for being a part of the NMBC community! We are excited for all that God will do in the lives of our church this summer!

Pastor Jon Dixon
Pastor of Next Generations & Families