Go Tell It On the Mountain - Year-End Offering

Merry Christmas Church Family,

We are so grateful for your prayers and gifts toward the ministry of New Minas Baptist Church. We are committed to Go tell it on the mountain… in the Valley,  by the river, in the fields that are more than ready for harvest, in the highways and byways, casting the gospel net, searching the hills, and rejoicing that yet one more has come to Christ!

Praise be to God! Over the last eighteen months we have had twenty baptisms. People have come to faith in Christ, been set free from addictions, seen marriages healed, and relationships restored. Together we are learning how to live by grace in our brokenness, coming forth like refined gold. Warmly receiving our refugee family, making the Live Nativity happen, sharing the gospel in a myriad of ways here and abroad, making disciples who make disciples, God has used it all to grow our fellowship and faith stronger.

Your generosity and faithfulness in giving has made a big difference in 2016. Our Christmas Eve offerings this weekend are in support of our benevolent ministry that provides tangible help in time of need for so many. Your special year end Christmas Offering, above your regular giving, will help us reach the $35,000.00 goal to finish the year strong.

Our aim in 2017 is to be even more intentional in equipping, empowering, and mobilizing you - our church family. We want to strengthen existing ministries and also resource and launch new and much needed ministries and opportunities to serve, such as CAP (Christians Against Poverty), Marriage Mentoring, Missional Partnerships, Equipping Retreats, and more in the new year.

Ways to Give

If you didn’t already receive a Christmas Offering envelope you’ll find some at the Welcome Centre this Sunday. Also, a Christmas Offering line is available to use on our new Push Pay app. You can find out more about it at our ‘Give' page on our website. Thank you so much for prayerfully considering a special year-end Christmas offering.
Let’s continue to Go Tell It On the Mountain and Everywhere!

All the blessings of Christmas to you and yours!
Pastor Daniel