Sixty Days in My Bible Plan

Today I finally reached what is perhaps my favorite section of the Bible - Deuteronomy 6. I began following a Bible reading plan on January 1 this year and today is day 60 - the end of month two.

Recently one of the young men who attends Solid Rock Youth, the youth ministry at NMBC, spoke about his faith story. As he spoke he shared what he had recently learned at camp staff training - reading the Bible consistently may begin with a feeling of duty. However soon it becomes a habit and eventually a joy - something that you simply cannot live without as your faith in Jesus grows to hunger for the Word of God. These are good words.

 Some observations on Day 60:

  •  Choosing to be up early before my children to give God priority time in my day is not as hard as I first thought. While I may not be up early every day, I am consistently awake and reading way more days than I miss. The arrival of Lucy on February 10 has caused me to sleep in a few extra days. When I miss and morning I try to find time later that day to catch up and I have been able to do so most of the time.
  • Following a reading plan is better than just opening the Bible and starting to read on page 1. The difference is that the plan feels like reasonable bite-sized pieces of scripture.
  • In my opinion, reading the Bible through is better than following a devotional guide which gives a random verse or two each day. It is better because reading through gives a fuller sense of the meta-story of the Bible. Leviticus made way more sense having just read Genesis and Exodus!
  • Although I prefer a paper Bible, YouVersion is a gift to the church. Following a reading plan is so much easier. Having my Bible & reading plan with me everywhere via my phone is a huge asset!
  • Accountability is the key for anyone who wants to follow a Bible reading plan. My two accountability partners are a gift from God, helping me stay on the path I'm choosing to be on.
  • Accountability also shows up in the news feed & friends parts of YouVersion. This was unexpected. Allowing my YouVersion Friends to see my plan reading progress and then pressing like and / or commenting on their progress provides a form of group accountability that I've grown to appreciate.
  • The depth of meaning behind the words of Deuteronomy is incredible - knowing how the story has progressed since Genesis 1. The depth of God's words through Moses in Deuteronomy 6 is incredible.

I can honestly say that what began in a sense as a duty became a habit, but has become now a joy that I look forward to each day.

Onward to day 61 tomorrow!