An Open Letter to Grade 12 Grads

This is an email that I sent today to students graduated from grade 12 last June that we've met over the years in various different NMBC programs and events.

Welcome to your 1st September after high school!

We just wanted you to know that we are still here and still praying for you. At some point in the past, either one time or many times, you connected with us at New Minas Baptist Church. Now that you're moving on from your high school days into the working world or to college / university we want you to know that we still care about you and still want God's best for you!

If you've drifted from God and from church, the fall after grade 12 is a great time to press restart. If we can help you connect to a Christianity community of young adults here at our church, at your school or if you've moved, in your new area - we want to help!

If you're still in the valley... we have Bible studies for young adults, free transportation from Acadia every Sunday, and a monthly young adult lunch + there's Acadia Christian Fellowship on campus. You can learn on this website about our Young Adult ministries.

If you've moved from the valley... most schools have a Christian fellowship group and there are lots of churches around that we can help you plug into. Contact me anytime and I'll do everything I can to help you find Christian community where you are.

Praying for you and for God's best for you as you move into life this fall after high school!

Pastor Jon