Sundays Online for Kids! - Sunday June 14, 2020

Sprouts & Orchard Families! Since we are all worshiping at home we want to share with you what we would have been teaching this morning in Sprouts & Orchard. You can use these resources to create a fun family time with your family! Reading and learning from the Bible as a family should be an important part of your family rhythm!

At NMBC we will be live on YouTube and the video will be shared on our website and Facebook page. We encourage you to view this service with your family. Take a picture of your family watching the service and post it on social media and share with us! You can watch, starting at 1030am, here:


Kids Worship Playlist!

  • We've collected some of our favorite kids worship songs for you! Sing them loud as a family!


Worship Playlists [All Our the Songs!]

  • Youth:

  • Elementary:

  • Preschool:


Sprouts Resources for This Sunday

In Sprouts we learn the same story for two weeks. Repetition is great! This is week 1.

  • God's Good News

  • Bible Adventure:

  • Crossroads Kids Club:

Sunday Preschool Video Playlist


Print Bibles for Sprouts


Orchard Resources - Sunday June 14, 2020

  • What is Faith?

  • Hebrews 11

  • Download Small Group Notes:

Sunday Elementary Video Playlist


Print Bibles for Orchard

Family Activity: Faith Object Lessons

  • Play some faith games with children as examples of faith. A trust fall. Have your child try to fall backwards into your arms without flinching. See if they have faith in your ability to catch them. Or perhaps use a chair - have your child come near you and offer them a chair. When they sit in the chair, ask them why they were confident that the chair would hold them up or wasn’t invisible. What are some others ways you can teach faith?

  • Faith is believing. Why? Faith isn’t just blind, faith is having confidence based on evidence.

Family Activity: Blindfold or No Blindfold?

  • We will add to our earlier game with the chair. Take your child and give them verbal instructions to lead them around the room, around obstacles, and then ask them to sit in the chair. Our goal is to see how well they trust you, and if they will sit in the chair without seeing it or touching it. Then do the same thing, but this time blindfold them. Remember not to touch them, only to give verbal instructions. Brainstorm why it was harder to have faith while blindfolded.

  • Ask if they think being not blindfolded or being blindfolded is more like following Jesus - since we can’t see him. The point is that our faith in Jesus, whom we cannot see, is not like being blindfolded - it’s not a blind faith. Sure we cannot see Jesus - but we can know about him, we can know what he has done, and we can see him at work in people’s live. Following Jesus is having faith in him based on the evidence and proof all around us

Family Activity: Books of the Bible Game

  • This is a much loved game from the Orchard! Did you know that there are 27 books in the New Testament? If you Take 28 cups or blocks you can make a pyramid! Put the name of each New Testament book on one cup or block and write New Testament on the cup or block that will end up on top. Then stack! Take a look here for more info.

One Big Story - Memory Challenge

  • “… Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus...” [Hebrews 12:1b-2a]

2020 OBS Memory Verse - June [HD].jpg