Sundays for Kids! - August 9, 2020

Sprouts & Orchard Families! Since we are all worshiping at home we want to share with you what we would have been teaching this morning in Sprouts & Orchard. You can use these resources to create a fun family time with your family! Reading and learning from the Bible as a family should be an important part of your family rhythm!


Kids Worship Playlist!

  • We've collected some of our favorite kids worship songs for you! Sing them loud as a family!

  • Here is our playlist this week:

Worship Playlists [All Our the Songs!]

  • Youth:

  • Elementary:

  • Preschool:

For the summer we encourage you to take a some time as a family and use a watch a video together twice a week. This is an excellent way to establish a family Bible time rhythm for your family. We want you to consider What’s in the Bible with Buck Denver!

“The Bible Made Easy! Buck Denver and his friends take your children through the WHOLE Bible. Perfect viewing for the entire family—laugh and learn together. In his first new project since VeggieTales, Phil Vischer has set out to teach kids (and parents!) the story of the Bible—God's great rescue plan! We know the stories of Moses, Noah, David, and Jesus, but in this groundbreaking new series, we learn how they all fit together to tell one big, redemptive story. Vischer's signature wit shines through with his all-new cast of characters, fast-paced flash animation, and catchy tunes. This is one journey through the Bible you won't want to miss!” [Right Now Media]

Parents - watch these videos with your children! in fact, watch them as a whole family! Phil Vischer’s teaching is so clear and so rich, we guarantee you’ll all learn a ton about the Bible! Many families watch this series every year together for family devotions. Our suggestion is that you watch one video on Sunday as a family, and that you watch the second video for the week at another time during the same week.

You can access all of the What’s in the Bible series video for free because you can create a free account at RightNow Media as a gift from New Minas Baptist Church. Click here.

August 9 - What's In The Bible? Vol. 8 Words To Make Us Wise!

  • SESSION 1 Poems in the Bible?


  • SESSION 2 Wisdom from Above



Sprouts Resources for This Sunday

  • The King and the Kingdom - The Sermon on the Mount

  • Matthew 5-7

Sunday Preschool Video Playlist


Bible App for Kids

  • In Sprouts we use an adapted version of the curriculum that goes along with the Bible App for Kids! You can follow along download and use this exciting app and resources for free with your children and explore the Bible together!


Print Bibles for Sprouts


Orchard Resources for the Sunday

Sunday Elementary Video Playlist


Bibles for Orchard Kids

Family Activity: Books of the Bible Game

  • This is a much loved game from the Orchard! Did you know that there are 27 books in the New Testament? If you Take 28 cups or blocks you can make a pyramid! Put the name of each New Testament book on one cup or block and write New Testament on the cup or block that will end up on top. Then stack! Take a look here for more info.