The Gospel of Matthew [Part 10]

Pastor Daniel Cormier preaches week 10 of our current series, The Gospel of Matthew.

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Warm-up. What is the most valuable thing you’ve found?

Read Matthew 13:44-46 Ask God to bless your study.

1. To what did Jesus liken the kingdom of heaven in these verses (13:44-46)? What are the points of comparison and contrast between the parable of the hidden treasure and the parable of the pearl?

2. In what ways is kingdom treasure hidden from people?

3. In both parables, what did the men do immediately upon discovering the hidden treasure and the expensive pearl? How valuable would a treasure have to be for you to do the same?

4. If someone asked you your top five priorities in life, what would you say? If that person looked at your calendar, your bank account, and your screen time, what would they say your priorities are? Would there be a difference between the lists?

5. What evidence is there in your life that you value Jesus as much as the men in the parables valued the treasure and pearl?

6. It says in v. 44 that “in his joy” he sold all that he had to gain the treasure. Why is joy so important in obeying the Lord?

7. How do you feel led to respond to these parables of Jesus? Are there further steps of obedience God is asking you to take?