Press On: A Study of Philippians [Part 1]

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Pastor Daniel Cormier shares part 1 in our new Fall series entitled “How to Pray with Joy”.

Sermon notes & Study Questions

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Sermon Notes

Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What do you find hardest about praying? 

What do you find most joyous about praying? Read Philippians 1:1-11 God bless your study! 

1. What do you think you can tell about someone from whether they pray, who they pray to, and what they pray for? 

2. What is notable about the way the apostle Paul, and his co- worker, Timothy, describe themselves (v. 1)? How do they describe the recipients and what does that tell us about them? 

3. Read Acts 16:6-40. Why did Paul go to Philippi? Who did God save through Paul (vv. 11-34)? What do you think this taught Paul, and this new church, about who God can save? 

4. What is Paul doing (vv. 3-4)? Where is Paul as he writes (vv. 7, 13-14)? Why is Paul so joyful and thankful (vv. 5, 7)? What impression of Paul do these verses give you? 

5. Why is Paul sure his Christian friends will keep going in their faith (v. 6)? Why is this confidence necessary for enabling him to pray with joyful thanksgiving? How might it help your prayers? 

6. What does Paul’s prayer in verses 9-10 teach us about what love in action looks like? How do you live out these truths? 

7. What does Paul’s prayer teach us about the ultimate purpose of the Christian life (v. 11)? How does this impact your prayers? 

Close your time together using Paul’s prayer as a model to pray for your family, friends, small group, church family and others.