The Life of Joseph [Part 1]
/Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 1 in our NEW series entitled "Joseph the Dreamer”.
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Warm-up. Share any New Year’s resolutions.
Read: Genesis 37:2-28. Ask God to bless your study.
1. Discuss what the teenage Joseph does in 37:2, 5-11. What does his behaviour show about his early personality?
2. Imagine yourself as one of Joseph’s brothers, or Jacob, his father. How’d you have felt when he announced his dreams? Share why, or why not, you think that Joseph is a likely candidate for doing great things in God’s service?
3. If the Bible is not about rules of right living to be accepted by God (being religious), what is the primary purpose of the Bible?
4. God had several purposes in shaping Joseph’s life as he did. What kinds of experiences tempt you to be discouraged and to doubt that God is working out his dream for you in this world?
5. Do you think Joseph knew God’s reasons for what he endured while he was enduring it? How might the way God repeatedly cared for Joseph while he suffered encourage you to act in your present situation?
6. How does Joseph’s life exemplify Romans 8:28? What reasons do you have to believe that God does or does not work in your hard relationships today as he did in Joseph’s day?
7. Share some ways in which you have clearly seen God take a sinful situation and (though not excusing the sin), work it out for good. Can you think of other biblical examples of such mercy?