Good News! Great Joy! God's Message to the Shepherds

Good News! Great Joy! God's Message to the Shepherds

This Advent season join us as we hear again the voices of God's messengers - the angels who were sent to Zachariah, Mary, Joseph and the Shepherds. Experience the excitement, the awe, the wonder of God's message - "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." [Luke 2:11] In this message Pastor Daniel speaks from Luke 2:1-20 about God's Message to the Shepherds.

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Truth in Love

Truth in Love

Historically, the church has struggled with the tension of holding firm to the truth of Jesus Christ and the gospel, and at the same time engaging the culture with this timeless message in a loving and respectful way. Some have been about doctrinal purity at the expense of lovingly engaging culture, while others are all about loving the culture at the expense of holding to the truth of the gospel. We are grateful for the wisdom and expertise of Dr. Anna Robbins on contemporary culture and faith. We are also blessed to have a spiritually insightful and passionate group of panelists from within our NMBC family. A heartfelt thank you to all our participants and attendees.

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