Exiles Enroute - Small Groups - 1 Peter 4:1-11

Exiles Enroute will take us on a journey through the book of 1 Peter in the Bible showing that Jesus Lights the Way! During the Exiles Enroute series our small groups will also be studying 1 Peter. Here are the notes for week 7.

Small Group Questions

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  1. Pray that God will bless your time of fellowship in his Word. Imagine that the world is going to end and Christ is returning 
  2. in twenty-four hours. What will you do over this time? Why? 
  3. What are some things in the culture, or from your old way of living, that you reject that others find strange about you? How can you reject such things in a loving way? How will those that malign you be held accountable for their actions? 
  4. How does what we think affect the way we live? What help do we receive from “arming ourselves with” a good understanding of the sufferings of Christ for us? What does it mean to be done with sin? 
  5. What did Peter instruct his readers to do since the end of all things was near? What does this look like in your life? How does this affect your prayers? 
  6. What did Peter encourage his readers to do above all? What does it mean that love covers a multitude of sins? Is being apart of a community of faith optional for Christians? Why or why not? 
  7. Why does God give us spiritual gifts? How is God glorified through our service for one another? What gift(s) has God given you that you could use to serve others? 
  8. How does hospitality highlight the gospel that we believe? In what ways can you offer hospitality? 
  9. Close in prayer for one another, and for our fellow believers who are severely persecuted and living as refugees.