Habakkuk - Why Doesn't God Do Something?

"You see it every day. Bad people taking advantage of the weak. Good people suffering. War. Injustice. Corruption. Ever think God isn't fair? Discover how an Old Testament prophet can inspire a modern day faith in God's Promises."

During this series our small groups will be studying through Habakkuk as well. Join a Small Group and continue the conversation and learning through the week! To learn more about small groups click here.

Small Group Notes - Week 1

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  1. Pray that God will bless your time of fellowship in his Word.
  2. Think of a time when you felt frustrated over an injustice. Can you relate to Habakkuk’s crying out, “How long, O Lord, must I...?” “Why do you...?” What did you do about your frustration?
  3. Read Hab. 1:1-4. Which of Habakkuk’s words sound accusatory? Describe the injustice that frustrated Habakkuk. What were his main complaints?
  4. What are some ways that God’s people may feel ‘surrounded’ (v. 4) or restricted today so that justice is perverted? In what areas of your life do you show that justice is important to you?
  5. Read Hab. 1:5-11. What was it that God said Habakkuk would not believe? In vv. 8-11 what are the animals and forces of nature described? How do you think Habakkuk’s felt about this? How did the Chaldeans/Babylonians fight their enemies?
  6. What words and phrases in verses 7, 10-11 describe how the Chaldeans/Babylonians regarded authority? In v. 11 the Babylonians regard their ‘might’ or ‘strength’ as their god. Why would this be an offence to Habakkuk and to God? Why is strength a tempting god, and how do we fight against it?
  7. How did Habakkuk know that although Babylon was a formidable enemy, God was still in charge? If God offered you a glimpse of the future, would you take it? Why, or why not?
  8. Read Hab. 1:12-17. What did Habakkuk really want to know? In v. 13 he said that God is pure. How can we imitate God’s purity today? He also complained that God was silent about evil. What evils today do you wish God would deal with?
  9. Look at Habakkuk’s names for God in v. 12. How would reflecting on these descriptors of God help him to deal with his four questions? How might reflecting on God’s character help you cope with your own questions about God?