Your Heart for God [Part 5] Your Heart of Conviction

"... he raised up David to be their king, of whom he testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will." - Acts 13:22 The story of David is a story of a man who's life is an example in many ways of how to follow God well.

These are the small group notes for part five of this series. On February 19, 2017 Pastor Daniel preached this message from 2 Samuel 11:15-25; 12:1-14. You can download the notes in PDF format or you can follow along below.

Small Group Notes

Pray that God will bless your time of fellowship in his Word. 

Read the following passages: 2 Samuel 11:15-25; 12:1-14

  1. Everyone share their most heinous sin. No! Just kidding! But did that alarm you? Imagine if your worst sin was recorded for generations all over the world to read and discuss? Why do you think God made sure David’s sin was recorded in his Word?
  2. How can David, a “man after God’s own heart”, do something so ugly, so despicable as this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? (see James 1:14-15 ) What does this teach us about ourselves, and what can we do to counter it?
  3. What are the dangers of being too harsh or too soft in confronting sin? How are you at graciously confronting others about sin? What does it mean to help one another live out Proverbs 27:6 and Hebrews 3:13? Do you have Nathans in your life who hold you accountable, if so, what’s that like?
  4. David’s full expression of his repentance is seen in Psalm 51. What can we learn about genuine repentance through David’s admissions and requests, and the aspects of God’s character that he highlights in this Psalm?
  5. How can covering up our sin be worse than the sin itself? (See Psalm 32:3-5) How is sin’s power broken by confession and repentance? (See Proverbs 28:13; James 5:16; 1 John 1:9)

Close in prayer by thanking God for sending Jesus, the perfect, precious pardon for sin. Ask for hearts that desire to please him, and the wisdom and strength to quickly repent when we do sin.