#YouAskedForIt - What's the Afterlife?

So, #YouAskedForIt is a series of questions. They're actually your questions. Two weeks ago at Solid Rock Youth we asked you for your questions about God / Bible / Christianity. We took them all, categorized them into a few broader clumps and we're going to tackle some of them.

Some of your questions clumps are things we already planned to chat about later this spring. That's cool! It helps us as leaders to know we're thinking of some of the same things you're thinking about. [That's a little scary, eh?] Topics like influence of sports / friends / family, what is pray / spiritual gifts, how do we respond to people / issues / ideas that are different than Christianity - they're coming up later this spring.

Last night was night one for #YouAskedForIt and we talked about the Afterlife. We basically said 4 things.

1. We read John 3:16 and Romans 6:23 from the Bible to give a brief snapshot into what the result of sin is and what the dying is all about.

2. We showed a video to introduce the idea of what Heaven is and where it comes from / is going to be. Here's the video:

3. We talked a little about when exactly we get to Heaven and explained that there are a few different understandings about that one. Ultimately, if we are followers of Jesus we will get to be where God is for eternity, the timing of when that begins is the thing that's a little confusing. 

4. The last thing we talked about is how do we know if we are going to be in Heaven for eternity with Jesus. That Bible is really clear on that one. We read from Matthew 25:34-46 and talked about how our lives need to reflect our faith. We said that it's not as simple as earning our way into Heaven by saying a few words a some point in our lives. It's also not as simple as completing a todo list of good things. We must have faith in Jesus [see John 3:16 again] and we must live out our lives as evidence of our faith.

There's you have it - #YouAskedForIt week 1. The goal of this series isn't to answer all your questions. Really the goal is to get you pointed in the right direction to find the answer by starting to think about the right things.