Family Worship for Storm Sunday

Happy Snow Day! We are sorry to have had to cancel church this morning, but we are glad for safety and warmth. Below are some plans for Family Worship today and the link to this week's One Big Story Family Devotions. Read on...

Family Worship Today:

  • We hope that you will take some time today as a family to pray, read the Bible and worship. Included in this email are some plans for Family Worship today, as well as our One Big Family Devotions for the week.

Consider watching a video online:

Read the Bible Together:

  • Option 1: Get started on this week's One Big Story Family Devotions. Due to the snow storm, this week we have a special edition of OBS Family Devotions. We'll be looking back at several Old Testament stories which help us to learn from the faith that men and women in the past have had in God. This will help us to better understand the faith of Jesus' followers and will help us to grow in faith. Here's the link:
  • Option 2: Share favourite stories from the Bible. As a family, allow each person to pick their favourite story from the Bible. Read each stories together and ask some questions: What do we know? [Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?] What did we learn? [What is the main point of this story? What do we learn about God from this story? How does this story point to Jesus?] What do we do? [How does this apply to us? What real life, practical, concrete action[s] should we take?] Why is this one of your favourite stories from the Bible?

Pray Together:

  • Thank God for who He is and what He has done in your life. Pray for your family, for your friends, for our community, for our world.
  • Visit our blog post from last week for suggestions on How Do I Pray With My Kids?

Worship Together:

Learn the Books of the Bible Together:

Every week in the Orchard, we play games to learn the books of the Bible in order so that we are more familiar with the Bible and better able to find things in it. Most weeks we play this video:

Parents, lead the way: Read the Bible, Pray, Worship, have fun and make memories!

This week's One Big Story Resources: