Books of the Bible

Unless you're familiar with it, the bible can be a daunting book to learn to read from. Even when you're familiar with it, it can still seem daunting. Its important to understand that the Bible is more like a library than a book in some ways. The Bible has 66 books in it - and those books are different types of writing. Some are history, some are poetry, some are letters, some are gospels, etc! However, those 66 different books, written over centuries, all tell one story and the one story is God's One Big Story and it's all about Jesus!

Every week in the Orchard, we play games to learn the books of the Bible in order so that we are more familiar with the Bible and better able to find things in it, and most importantly, better able to understand the One Big Story! 

Most weeks we play we intro our games with this video:

Then we play games like these:

  • The Label Game: We print labels of the Bible book's names and put them randomly on the kids and then get the kids to get in order. Sometimes we do this as a large group and sometimes as teams with 2 sets of labels and call it a race.
  • The Cup Stacking Game: If you take the 27 books of the New Testament and put them on the outside of cups and then add one more cup with the words "New Testament" on it you then have enough cups to make a pyramid. Sometimes we do this as a large group on stage and sometimes as teams with 2 sets of labels and call it a race.
  • Word Searches: Sometimes we do word search puzzles and challenge the kids to find the books in order. Often we do this with older and younger kids working together in teams of 2-3.

Other resources to learn the Books of the Bible: