March Break Adventure Camp - Highlight Video

March Break Adventure Camp - Highlight Video

Last week was March Break and that means our annual March Break Adventure Camp! We had two fantastic mornings of worship, crafts, games, and Bible stories at New Minas Baptist Church! We were joined by almost 150 children and we were thrilled to celebrate Jesus together. During our events at NMBC we capture photos and videos so that we can share them with you later! Below is the highlight film for our 2016 March Break Adventure Camp!

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Meandering - Practicing Godliness [Jerry Bridges & Jonathan Goforth]

Meandering - Practicing Godliness [Jerry Bridges & Jonathan Goforth]

I am grateful for the many, many wonderful Jesus-loving servants who model a life of good works to the glory of God and the benefit of his people. As someone has said, “Don’t fret so much that your kids don’t listen to you, but be much afraid that they watch you.” It’s true. We all learn so much from what we see in others.

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Meandering - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Meandering - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

There is an old story of a king who called for artists to submit their best picture of peace. Many artists rendered their portraits of peace, and the king finally chose two of the best. The first picture was of a quiet lake among majestic mountains. It’s glassy surface reflected an azure sky with but a few soft clouds gently floating along.

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Creativity is Messy

Creativity is Messy

Give a small child a colouring book, a pack of crayons and two minutes and you’ll soon witness what creativity looks like. The crayon package is empty, its contents spread out on the table and floor, several are broken or half eaten and numerous pages of the book are colourfully enhanced. Despite the messiness, the pictures created by the child are quickly turned into masterpieces fit for the refrigerators of the world for all to see and admire — at least the refrigerators of parents and grandparents.

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War Prayer - Week 5 - Scripture

War Prayer - Week 5 - Scripture

This week's message is called Forgiveness that Makes You Battle Strong and is all about Matthew 6:12 - "Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." In addition to this verse, Pastor Daniel referenced a variety of other Scripture passages. We've posted them here for you:

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One Big Story - Through the Roof

One Big Story - Through the Roof

Every once in a while we want to give you a snapshot of what we did in our children's programs. This helps you to know what we are teaching and how, and it helps you to prayerfully consider how you can help! This past Sunday, February 14, we taught an interesting story of four men who cared enough for a friend who was paralyzed that they went out of their way to bring him to Jesus. This story appears in the Bible here: Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26.

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Meandering - John Wooden

Meandering - John Wooden

Coach Wooden said, “Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts.” Perhaps John and Nellie’s story of genuine love and affection feels like an impossible dream for you in your hope for marriage, your present marriage, in your family relationships, or friendships. Ask yourself, with God’s help, what must I courageously change or pursue now so that I can also experience, and leave a legacy of, true love?

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