Meandering - Prayer Advocates

Meandering - Prayer Advocates

Laurel states, “Prayer matters. To make our requests known to a personal God, the same God who created this planet, should be enough to spur us forward. We are excited to be facilitating the process for engaging adults in our church to pray daily for a youth in our church. I hope they’ll consider this as a bonus in their daily prayer time - bringing these precious ones to the throne of grace where Jesus Christ (our advocate) pleads our case before the Father.”

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Meandering - John Wooden

Meandering - John Wooden

Coach Wooden said, “Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts.” Perhaps John and Nellie’s story of genuine love and affection feels like an impossible dream for you in your hope for marriage, your present marriage, in your family relationships, or friendships. Ask yourself, with God’s help, what must I courageously change or pursue now so that I can also experience, and leave a legacy of, true love?

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Meandering - God With Us

Meandering - God With Us

However, our God, who is Spirit and invisible, has in the most glorious way, revealed himself to us through his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus, if you will, is God’s Selfie! “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).  At Christmas we celebrate this incredible truth of the incarnation.

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