Christmas in the Orchard - The Grove

Christmas in the Orchard - The Grove

We love new Christmas Traditions! This year we launched a brand new children's program on Wednesday nights for grades 3-5 called The Grove. It's been an incredible new group that the children look forward to every week! This month we started a new Grove Christmas Tradition - We filmed a music video to be shown at Christmas in the Orchard.

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Meandering - Alabaster Flasks

Meandering - Alabaster Flasks

All that we have comes from God. We have the privilege and task of wisely and joyfully managing his resources. How do we do this? Like this woman’s example, we are to delight in making much of Jesus with all we’ve been given. What we do with money, whether God has entrusted us with a little or a lot, reveals much about where our heart is (Matthew 6:21). It’s not easy.

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Meandering - Truth Bombs

Meandering - Truth Bombs

Through Christ’s resurrection power in us, let’s reckon ourselves dead to our old, self-serving ways, and instead be committed to believe and assume the best in one another. Let’s take care not to fall into Satan’s trap of rash judgements. James tells us that it’s best to be “slow to speak, slow to anger” and “quick to hear” (James 1:19). The more caring insight and empathy we have for one another, the more trust and goodwill we will have in our church family. There’s an ongoing battle for souls, but it’s this kind of love that will result in better resolutions to the difficulties and challenges we face. Best of all, it’s also this kind of love that will bomb blast the Devil right out of here!

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Meandering - Give Them Yours

Meandering - Give Them Yours

As the sign outside our church this week reads: “If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.” This same principle, in Jesus’ name, can be extended to say, “If you see someone without hope, given them yours. If you see someone without grace, give them yours. If you see someone without love, given them yours. If you see someone without strength (ready to collapse), give them yours.”

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Meandering - The Star Thrower

Meandering - The Star Thrower

As you may have already heard, 40 children last Sunday are now connected with loving sponsors. You have truly made a difference in the world - thank you! We are glad to partner with Compassion Canada (International) in this endeavor as a church. They are one of the world’s leading child development organizations. I love how they are a Christ-centered ministry who work closely with over 6,500 local churches in 26 countries to end poverty in the lives of children and their families.

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Meandering - Poets & Saints

Meandering - Poets & Saints

It’s been awhile since I meandered about music. Music is one of God’s great gifts to us.  This past week I’ve been enjoying All Sons & Daughters' newest album. They are a Christian worship duo (Leslie Anne Jordan & David Alan Leonard) who perform in an acoustic, folk sound. They are very committed to their church where they lead worship.

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Meandering - Remember, Please Just Ask Me First

Meandering - Remember, Please Just Ask Me First

A few weeks ago we were blessed to have some family stay with us. My six year old nephew has a very inquisitive mind. His eyes never seemed to stop surveying every centimeter of each room he entered. Like a bee tenaciously seeking pollen, he would open drawers, cupboards, closet doors, opening any container he discovered, insatiably looking to pollinate his curious mind. I found myself repeatedly saying to him, “Please, ask me first, before you go opening and taking things out.”

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Meandering - Running for the Prize

Meandering - Running for the Prize

Every week I witness so many of you tenaciously and joyously emptying the tank, and going hard in the kingdom work we do together. As our Canadian athletes mutually inspire one another and our nation during the Olympics, I know we’ll continue, with all God’s might and for his glory, to do the same in the Valley. I am so glad to be a part of God’s winning family here at New Minas Baptist Church.

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