Meandering - Read the Bible to Earnestly & Expectedly

Meandering - Read the Bible to Earnestly & Expectedly

The reality is that consistent Bible reading, like eating healthy and exercising, we know is good for us, but we just don't do it like we should. Yet, more than physical pursuits, it is far more crucial to hear and obey the voice of the Lord. Sobering is the Word of God through Jeremiah to us, “To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ears are uncircumcised, they cannot listen; behold, the word of the Lord is to them an object of scorn; they take no pleasure in it” (6:10). Prone to be “dull off hearing” (Hebrew 5:11), it’s so important that we ask our Lord for a hunger for his Word, and that our ears and eyes would be open to receive his truth and gladly obey it.

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Meandering - Photo Search: Gentleness

Meandering - Photo Search: Gentleness

This month’s Meandering Photo on the theme of gentleness was sent in by RaeAnne Bekkers. She describes it as “a picture of God's gentleness in making such amazing flowers and strawberries for us to enjoy.” What a lovely picture, and it’s so true. Where our sin only deserved thorns and thistles (Genesis 3:17-19), God has graciously given us beautiful fruits and flowers to enjoy. In Christ, may we also extend this refreshing fruit of the Spirit through thoughtful acts of gentleness and kindness to those around us.

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Meandering - Water Footprints

Meandering - Water Footprints

Hearing the grass crunch under my feet I thought how quickly things can dry out. We are so dependent upon consistent precipitation, especially our blessed farmers. Some areas in Canada are dealing with drought-like conditions. It was so good to hear the rain hitting the windows, saturating the earth, bringing much needed moisture to our area.

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Meandering - Photo Search: Wisdom

Meandering - Photo Search: Wisdom

Pastor John Beers, who enjoys photography, sent in this great photo on the theme of ‘wisdom’ for this month’s Meandering Photo Search. He writes, “Here is a picture that might fit the theme for wisdom. The arrangement was put together by Michelle Walker. I thought it was such a beautiful arrangement that I took a picture of it. I added the writing to it - Psalm 119:105.”

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Meandering - Fathers's Day

Meandering - Fathers's Day

We are to provide and protect, but we are also to be a catalyst and set the tone in attending and participating as a family in the ministries of the church, opening up our homes to fellowship with other believers, and praying with, and for, our families daily. Our job doesn’t stop with the provision of material needs. Our children are body and soul, and as such, we, as fathers, are to primarily “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).

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Meandering - Made Perfect in Weakness

Meandering - Made Perfect in Weakness

Dr. Andrew Bonar, who wrote a wonderful biography of McCheyne, said of him: “He cared for no question unless his Master cared for it; and his main anxiety was to know the mind of Christ.” Pastor Robert McCheyne knew deeply of the importance of deriving our power from keeping our eyes fixed on the living and loving Christ.

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Meandering - Double Fireplace

Meandering - Double Fireplace

Berated and bleached by briny winds, few clapboards remained. The loosened and disheveled stone basement was slowly swallowing up the once ornate seaside house. Not far from where the Anabaptists first landed in 1763, this dilapidated homestead had at one time sheltered inhabitants from the frigid winds of the Bay of Fundy. In my late teens, along with a friend, I gingerly stepped onto it’s sunken porch, having summoned the courage to explore the long vacated property...

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Meandering - Born Again

Meandering - Born Again

None compares to Jesus Christ. In him, and the beauty of his holiness, we daily come alive and thrive in faith. We no longer try to satiate the thirst of our soul on the Red Bulls of the world.There’s no need to seek out another. It is Jesus! He is altogether lovely. May we daily be born again and again to this glorious, gospel reality.

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Meandering - Mother's Day

Meandering - Mother's Day

How can we not give thanks for this mysterious mix of a mother’s fearless, gentle love? At the same time, we want to be mindful of those who find this time of year difficult. Many quietly ache inside, mourning losses and unfulfilled longings. Whatever the situation, with grateful, compassionate hearts, may we celebrate motherhood, taking every opportunity, as well, to encourage and pray for all the special people in our lives.  

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Habakkuk - Week 4 - Other Bible Passages

Habakkuk - Week 4 - Other Bible Passages

"You see it every day. Bad people taking advantage of the weak. Good people suffering. War. Injustice. Corruption. Ever think God isn't fair? Discover how an Old Testament prophet can inspire a modern day faith in God's Promises."

During his message for week 4 of our Habakkuk series Pastor Daniel referred to other passages from the Bible. Here they are:

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Meandering - Paradoxical, Holy-Love of God

Meandering - Paradoxical, Holy-Love of God

It’s incredible and beyond words to adequately express this seemingly paradoxical, holy-love of God. How is it that God, who is as Isaiah declared, “high and lifted up, (and) who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy,” is even mindful of us, when we are but “a breath” and a “passing shadow” (Psalm 144:3-4). Not only is he mindful of us, but with the humble he makes his habitation.

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Meandering - Telescopic Steering Wheel

Meandering - Telescopic Steering Wheel

I learned something new the other day about our car. As I was adjusting the tilt on the steering wheel, I unintentionally pulled on it and, to my surprise, it pulled out closer to me. I didn’t know that it was telescopic. For the two years we’ve had the car my short little arms often felt uncomfortable in having to somewhat strain and stretch out for the steering wheel on longer trips. All the while I was missing out on a telescopic benefit that I didn’t know I already had.

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Meandering - Prayer Advocates

Meandering - Prayer Advocates

Laurel states, “Prayer matters. To make our requests known to a personal God, the same God who created this planet, should be enough to spur us forward. We are excited to be facilitating the process for engaging adults in our church to pray daily for a youth in our church. I hope they’ll consider this as a bonus in their daily prayer time - bringing these precious ones to the throne of grace where Jesus Christ (our advocate) pleads our case before the Father.”

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