God's Power Promises - Your Promised Inheritance - Part 2

Pastor Daniel is preaching Part 2 of the 6th of our fall sermon series - God’s Power Promises - Your Promised Inheritance!

Reflection and Discussion

Download these notes in PDF format.

Warm-up. If you ask people the difference between Christianity and other religions, what answers do you think you would get?

Read Galatians 3:26-4:7 Ask God to bless your study.

  1. Who is a son of God, and why (3:26-27)? Why is it wonderful to be a son of God (3:29)?

  2. Before the Galatians became Christians, how were they like slaves (4:3)? How did the coming of Jesus and his affiliation with us perfectly satisfy the requirements of the Law (4:4-5)?

  3. How did the believers benefit by becoming part of God’s family? (4:5) Who did God send into the lives of the Galatian Christians? (4:6)

  4. How did the Spirit move the believers to address God? (4:6) Since the Galatians were no longer slaves, what had they become? (4:7) Why should all Christians - regardless of gender - rejoice in being referred to as sons and not be offended by it? (Hint: Heirs and Bride of Christ.)

  5. If you were a Galatian Christian, how would you feel after learning of your position in God’s family? As a child of God, do you behave like a slave or more like an heir? How would you describe your spiritual clothing (3:27)?

  6. How do you feel about addressing God as “Abba, Father”? How can you develop more intimacy with and trust in your heavenly Father during the coming days?

  7. What is the connection between the work of the Son and the Spirit (4:4-7)? (Hint: Objective and Subjective.) When you don’t feel joyful as a Christian, or loved by God, in light of your promised inheritance in Christ, what do we need to do?