God's Power Promises - All the Promises Are Yes and Amen in Jesus

Pastor Daniel is preaching the final part of our fall sermon series - God’s Power Promises - Holding to the Promises

Reflection and Discussion

Download these notes in PDF format.

Warm-up. What words do you associate with promise? Read 2 Corinthians 1:12-24 Ask God to bless your study.

  1. How do you feel when someone postpones or cancels a social engagement that you were looking forward to?

  2. To what accusation from the Corinthians was Paul most likely responding? Why did Paul say that the Corinthians could boast of him just as he would boast of them? (1:12-14)

  3. Why had Paul planned to visit the Corinthian church? (1:15) What did Paul mean by the “experience of grace”?

  4. How did Paul’s opponents at Corinth use his change of plans against him? (1:17) When is it wrong to accuse another believer? How can we demonstrate love for other Christians?

  5. What is the main feature of God’s promises? (1:18-22)

  6. Why did Paul emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit to strengthen his self-defence? (1:22) Discuss the importance of words like “anointed”, “seal” and “guarantee” for the believer.

  7. Read 2 Corinthians 1:20 and share about some of the promises from the Old Testament that Jesus fulfilled that especially fill you with intense gladness and passion.