Challenge Sunday 2019

Spencer Conway brings a special Challenge Sunday message…”Go Back”

Discussion & Reflection

  1. What is something that you love that you have an easy time talking to other people about?

  2. Do you find it harder to talk to others about the Gospel than other things you’re passionate about? If yes, why is that? If no, why is that?

  3. When you look around at the state of our culture, do you ever feel a sense of fear regarding the trajectory its heading in?

  4. What are some practical ways we can combat that sense of fear?

  5. What are some signs that one’s heart has grown cold to the Gospel? What would you do to change that if you found yourself in that situation?

  6. Do you find you grasp the Gospel on more of a head level (intellectually) or a heart level (emotionally)? Do you think grasping the Gospel in both areas is important? Why?

  7. How can we cultivate a greater pursuit of the Holy Spirit in our lives, so that we can walk by the Spirit on a daily basis?