Are You Holy Wholly His?

In this message Pastor Daniel preaches from Isaiah 6:1-13.

Reflect & Discuss

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Warm-up. Share something that might surprise us about you. Read Isaiah 6:1-13. Ask God to bless your study & fellowship.

  1. Isaiah says, “I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up.” How can we “see” the Lord now by faith in his Word? How would such a spiritual vision of the Lord fuel our worship?

  2. What does holy mean? Why do the seraphim say it three times? What effect did this awe inspiring scene have on Isaiah?

  3. How does the burning coal from the altar represent Christ? What steps can we take to ensure that our hearts, in light of Christ’s sacrifice, are - and remain - humble and bold?

  4. Share any experiences you have had that have helped you better understand God’s glory (weightiness) and/or your own sinfulness? Why is such an ongoing awareness both reasonable and necessary to our full and final salvation from sin?

  5. How would you help any who say that they believe in God as a loving concept or idea but not a living, holy reality?

  6. How do you feel the message of Isaiah 6 speaking into your life right now? As a result, what do you think God wants you and our church to understand or do differently?