God’s Greatness for Our Good [Part 1] Our Majestic Creator

Pastor Daniel Cormier preaches for week 1 of our series, God’s Greatness for Our Good. This week is from Psalm 8 and called, Our Majestic Creator.

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Sermon Notes

I. The Majesty of God
II. The Magnitude of God
III. The Mindfulness of God

Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What do you enjoy doing in the great outdoors? Read Psalm 8 Ask God to bless your study & fellowship.

  1. What are some synonyms for the word “majestic.” How does the first verse introduce the focus of the poem? What can we learn from the fact David starts and ends his prayer with praise?

  2. What motivated David to write this Psalm? [See Psalm 8:3) Describe a time when you were amazed at God’s creation. How did you feel about God at that time? How did you feel about yourself?

  3. What truth did David bring out when he speaks of God creating with his ‘fingers’, rather than his hand or arm? In light of this, how did David feel about himself and humanity (Psalm 8:4)?

  4. In what ways did God crown humanity with glory and honour? What does this psalm tell us about self-esteem and worth as compared to the view of atheists and evolutionists?

  5. How does the Lord silence his enemies and defeat evil (Psalm 8:2)? In what ways does v. 2 point to Jesus the ‘visiting’ Messiah and what he came to do for us (Luke 1:68; Matthew 21:16)? How does this especially show that God is mindful of us and cares for us?

  6. What has God called us to do (Psalm 8:5-8)? How should we treat one another, animals, the environment? How does our attitude toward creation and humanity reflect our perspective of God?

  7. How can this passage encourage you when you are feeling low and worthless? What step could you take this week to help care for God’s creation and raise awareness about the dignity of all human life?