God’s Greatness for Our Good [Part 2] The Wrath of God

Pastor Daniel Cormier preaches for week 2 of our series, God’s Greatness for Our Good.

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Sermon Notes

I. The Cup of Judgement

II. The Cup of Salvation

Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What colour would best describe your day and why? Ask God to bless your study & fellowship.

1. On a smart phone, go to biblegateway.com, select an NIV or ESV translation and search the two words ‘pour’ and ‘wrath’ together. Then read and share some of the verses found.

2. Why do you think it is that although the Bible has much to say about God’s wrath, it’s not really mentioned in many churches?

3. How would you respond to those who think God’s wrath means he’s capricious, cranky and vindictive (Numbers 14:18; Nehemiah 9:17; Psalm 103:8-12; 145:7-9; Nahum 1:2-3)?

4. God’s wrath is certainly not an imperfection, otherwise he would not be truly holy and pure. Why is just wrath an important attribute of God, something we would want him to have?

5. The ‘cup of God’s wrath’ causes spiritual ‘staggering’ and ‘drunkenness’ (Jeremiah 25:15-16, 27). How is this seen today? In what ways is this cup truly bitter to drink?

6. People have difficulty reconciling how God is both a God of wrath and a God of love. How does the cup of the Father, that Jesus drinks by his death on the cross in our place, show the truth that God is both just and loving, both holy and merciful?

7. You searched and read some of the verses about God’s wrath being ‘poured out ‘on sinners in question 1. Now, in closing, read and rejoice in Jesus’ words in Matthew 26:27-28. Give praise and thanks for the ‘poured out’ ‘blood of the covenant’ that grants all who believe the ‘forgiveness of sins’.