Mothers of the Majestic Messiah [Part 3]

Pastor Daniel Cormier preaches week 3 of our Advent series, Mothers of the Majestic Messiah.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What colour best describes your week, and why?

Read Matt 1:1-6a; Ruth 1:1-22; 2:1-23 Ask God to bless your study.

  1. How does Naomi herself describe her situation and to what does she attribute her plight (1:13, 20–21)?

  2. Put yourself in Naomi’s place. How would you feel? What would you do?

  3. Have you ever felt empty and afflicted by God as Naomi did? How did you respond? What did God do in your situation?

  4. What considerations persuaded Orpah to return to her mother’s house? How do Jesus and Paul describe love in the following verses - John 15:13; Philippians 2:4? How does Ruth exemplify this kind of love in staying with Naomi?

  5. What was it that compelled and convinced Ruth to give up her homeland and her gods to sacrificially love, follow, and serve Naomi, and Naomi’s God (the LORD, Yahweh)?

  6. There are no external miracles, dreams or visions in the Book of Ruth, yet God was at work in powerful ways. How can this be an encouragement to you?

  7. How does Jesus treat you as Ruth treated Naomi? Do you know anyone who is hurting as Naomi was? If so, how can you show commitment like Ruth’s toward that person this week?