Press On: A Study of Philippians [Part 5]

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Pastor Daniel Cormier shares part 5 in our Fall series entitled “How To Be Found In Christ”.

Sermon notes & Study Questions

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Sermon Notes

Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What’s one thing you are really good at?

Read Philippians 3:1-11 God bless your study! 

1. Why is it important to resist legalism and false gospels (v. 2)?

How can our church be protected from false teachings? 2. What are three marks of a genuine Christian in v. 3?

3. Consider the kinds of false confidence (ritual, ethnicity, rank, tradition, rule keeping, zeal, and obedience to the law) in vv.5-6. Which kind is most erroneously enticing for you to trust in/why?

4. Paul says that his religious achievements apart from Christ are not merely useless but actually weigh against him. Why are such virtues and deeds worse than useless in trying to build our own righteous resumes? (See John 6:28-29; Romans 10:1-4)

5. For Paul, what is the most valuable thing in life (1:21; 3:8)?

6. Paul says that his secure standing with God comes “from God” and “through faith in Christ” (3:9). What does this mean? Why do you need Christ’s righteousness?

7. How can you tell by looking at a person’s life whether Christ is preeminent or not?

8. In what ways might adopting Paul’s value system of ultimate gains and losses affect the way you live?