Press On: A Study of Philippians [Part 8]

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Pastor Daniel Cormier shares part 8 in our Fall series entitled “Learn the Secret of Contentment”.

Sermon notes & Study Questions

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Sermon Notes

Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What are the blessings of small groups?

Read Philippians 4:10-23 God bless your study! 

1. Was Paul’s contentment dependent on the Philippians’ financial assistance (v 11)? Why / why not?

2. When is Paul content (vv. 11-12)? Why is Paul content (v. 13)? What do you think “all things” (or “all this” NIV) means (and does not mean) in this context?

3. How do times of poverty or times of plenty, as opposed to the moderate, in-between times, help to expose the deception that we can find full contentment in things or in circumstances?

4. Paul’s contentment was not found in self-sufficiency, but in Christ’s sufficiency. Read and discuss how the ‘tree’ spoken about in Jeremiah 17:7-8 helps us to understand this truth.

5. Twice Paul says that he ‘learned’ the secret of contentment. In what ways has God been teaching you about contentment?

6. Read Proverbs 30:7-9 and 1 Timothy 6:6-8 and discuss how these speak of a spiritually healthy contentment.

7. We are to learn to be content with where we are and what we have, but discuss how Paul also models for us in Phil 3:10-15 that we should not be content with who we are - so far?

8. Define in your own words the secret of contentment. Paul tells us to practice what he says (4:9). How might you put into practice one thing he says in 4:2-20 during the coming week?