Press On: A Study of Philippians [Part 7]

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Pastor Daniel Cormier shares part 7 in our Fall series entitled “How to Have a Peaceful Posture in an Anxious World”.

Sermon notes & Study Questions

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Sermon Notes

Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What colour best describes your week? Why?

Read Philippians 4:2-9 God bless your study! 

1. As opposed to the natural care and concern of daily responsibilities, to be ‘anxious’ is to be torn up mentally and emotionally with worry. What stressors make you ‘anxious’?

2. Paul says the “peace of God... will guard your hearts and your minds” (v. 7). The word ‘guard’ is a military word that speaks of a battalion of soldiers protecting a city from invasion. How does this help you to have a peaceful disposition?

3. Share what it was like to be around Christians who had a peace ‘that surpasses all understanding’ in tough situations.

4. In v. 8, Paul says to think about “whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just...” How does thinking (meditating, focusing) on doctrinal truth about our just and holy God bring peace to ‘hearts and minds’? (See Romans 8:6; Isaiah 26:3)

5. Why is it when we trust God to work all things together for good (Romans 8:28) with ‘thanksgiving’ (v. 6) in our prayers that we experience peace?

6. Nothing is more pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praise worthy (v. 8), than Jesus dying on the cross in our place, freely paying the debt of our sin in full. How does being “mindful" of Jesus’ loving sacrifice counter and dispel thoughts that God is punishing us, or doesn’t care about us, when bad things happen and we are very anxious?

7. Pray together about the things you are anxious about. Sincerely offer each one to the Lord, thanking him for the peace of knowing that he is working all things together for his glory and our good each and everyday.