The Gospel of Matthew [Part 6]

Rev. Dr. Danny Zacharias preaches week 6 of our current series, The Gospel of Matthew.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. Can you think of the biggest lie you told as a little child? Or perhaps one that one of your children told?

Read Matthew 5:33-37 Ask God to bless your study.

  1. In what ways does the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 4:23–5:2) frame the reading for the whole sermon?

  2. Why is it important to see Jesus as the new and greater Moses as we read the Sermon on the Mount?

  3. We do not typically “swear by” something today. What are ways in which people in our culture try to assure others that they will do what they say they will?

  4. Do you find it hard to receive a simple “yes” or “no” from people in your life? Why might that be?

  5. Do you feel pressure to give assurance to some people beyond a simple “yes” or “no”?

  6. (without necessarily going into detail), Have you recognized times in your life when your words were partnering with the evil one (Matt 5:37) to tear someone down rather than build them up?

  7. Are there strategies you might share with the group that worked for you to “disciple your tongue”?