The Gospel of Matthew [Part 5]

Pastor Daniel Cormier preaches week 5 of our current series, The Gospel of Matthew.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. How are you a different person with your friends tha you are with your family?

Read Matthew 5:21-24, 44-47, 7:1-6 Ask God to bless your study.

  1. In what ways does Jesus show us that the command, “Do not murder’, is more than literal, physical murder (Matt. 5:21-22)?

  2. In order to maintain close and caring relationships in God’s kingdom family, we need mutual accountability and to worship together. How can you see these principles in Matthew 5:23-24, Hebrews 3:13 and Proverbs 27:6 and practically live them out?

  3. Have you ever thought of a hard-hearted person as a brokenhearted person? Why or why not?

  4. How do you protect yourself from being hurt by others? Could that have resulted in developing any hardness in your heart?

  5. Do you know anyone now who you would consider to be hard-hearted? How could you step up your love for them?

  6. n Matthew 7:1 we are told not to judge. In 7:6 we are told not to give pearls, holy things, to pigs and dogs. How do these two dangers: Love w/out Truth and Truth w/out Love, help make sense of this and what can you do to be more balanced?

  7. What things help you to deepen/strengthen your relationships in your church family? How can we get even better at this?