Winning the War Within [Part 1] "The Inception of Sin"

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 1 in our new series entitled “Winning the War Within”.

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Warm-up. What’s your favourite winter activity?

Read Genesis 3:1-19. Ask God to bless your study.

1. God showed Adam no reason for the command in 2:16-17. What might God’s purpose have been in giving the man a command without an explanation?

2. God promised that Adam would die if he ate from the forbidden tree (Genesis 2:17). Why was death the necessary result of disobeying God (John 1:4; Acts 17:28)?

3. What was the serpent trying to achieve by asking “Did God really say?” (3:1) How might a person today experience a similar temptation? How should you respond to this temptation?

4. Eve’s reply (3:3) shows that Satan’s first scheme worked. Look at his next words (3:4-5), and describe his second tactic to alienate Eve from God. How might someone today experience this temptation? How should you respond to this temptation?

5. What do you learn about God from the ways he responded to sin and sinners? (3:9-21)

6. Genesis 3:15 is a prophecy of Christ, the descendant of Eve who has crushed Satan and undone the effects of his temptation. Read Romans 5:12-19 and discuss how Christ, as the “second Adam”, overcame Adam’s sin for us.

7. Are you like Adam or Eve in any ways? If so, name one area in which you would like to change. What prayer/action could you pursue this week to be more the person God desires you to be?