Hard Sayings of Jesus (Part 1)

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 1 of our series ”Hard Sayings” entitled “Dogs & Pigs?”.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. If you were a literal animal, what kind would you be and why?

Read Matthew 7:1-6 Ask God to bless your study.

1. How does Matthew 7:3-5 help define the kind of “judging” Jesus was talking about in Matthew 7:1-2?

2. We cannot see anyone’s heart, only God can, but why do we default so quickly to judging and condemning others, especially those we disagree with?

3. In Matthew 7:1 we are told not to judge. In 7:6 we are told not to give pearls, holy things, to pigs and dogs. How do these two dangers: Love w/out Truth and Truth w/out Love, help make sense of this and what can you do to be more balanced?

4. Even though we are not to judge others in a condemning way, why is it still important to use our critical faculties, and Spirit-led discernment, to evaluate the beliefs and teachings of others?

5. How does Jesus’ advice about dogs and pigs fit with 5:38-42?

6. In what ways do Peter’s words in 1 Peter 2:12 and 3:14-15 instruct us on how to faithfully preserve in a hostile world?

7. What did you think of the story of Chaplain Henry Gerecke? Read Matthew 10:16 and discuss how you can follow the example of Gerecke in living out Jesus’ words this week.