Hard Sayings of Jesus (Part 2)

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 2 of our series ”Hard Sayings” entitled “Hating Family?”.

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Warm-up. What’s a favourite activity you enjoy this time of year?

Read Luke 14:25-33 Ask God to bless your study.

1. Consider the cost of Christian discipleship in Luke 14:25-33. Do you think most people ponder this when they consider the Christian life? Why or why not?

2. What did Jesus mean by saying that we must ‘hate’ our family members or we are not his disciples (v. 26)?

3. To what extent should Christians guard against regarding their husband, or wife, or child, as ‘my life’?

4. Consider Luke 14:26b. What would be the distinctive features of a Christian who ‘hated’ his own life?

5. How can a Christian young person submit to parents totally, even if they do not want him or her to pursue a call to ministry?

6. How can a person who claims to be a Christian but who is not fully committed know if they are really a Christian? Can a person be saved and yet not acknowledge Christ as Lord?

7. How can we know how much of our income the Lord allows us to spend on ourselves and how much to give to his work?

8. How can you personally put at least one aspect of Jesus’ teaching from Luke 14:25-33 into practice this week?