10 | The Decalogue [Part 2]

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 2 of our new 2023 series examining the 10 commandments with a message entitled "God’s Worship God’s Way".

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What book (other than the Bible) has had the most influenced on you?

Read Ex. 20:1-6 Ask God to bless your study.

1. What does the second commandment forbid? How would you rate your obedience to the second commandment?

2. What false worship have you seen that diminishes God? Which attribute(s) of God are you most tempted to emphasize and which are you most tempted to diminish and why?

3. Do you think Exodus 20:4 means God is “off limits” for the visual arts (painting, sculpture, and so on)? Why or why not?

4. Why cannot human imagination adequately portray God? Why is it an offence against God to try and make a visible representation of him?

5. Read Acts 17:16-33 and answer the following questions: What do you observe about the people of Athens?How does Paul challenge their religious worship? Where do you see violations of the 1st / 2nd commandments?

6. How is the prohibition of the second commandment demonstrated by the golden calf incident in Exodus 32?

7. How does Ezekiel 18:1-18 serve as a corrective to a wrong understanding of the threat given in the second commandment?

8. How do we manufacture and worship idols in our lives? What are some ways we can identify/destroy the IDOLS in our lives?

APPLY: What is one specific implication that Exodus 20:1-6 has for your life this week?