Christ's Preeminence [Part 1]

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 1 of our 2023 Fall series entitled "Christ’s Preeminence - Priority #One”.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What do you like best about autumn?

Read: Col 1:15-20 Ask God to bless your study.

1. Some scholars think 1:15-20 was written as a hymn of praise. Why does good theology lead to good doxology (worship)?

2. Paul wrote this song while a prisoner. How is it significant that he could declare such words while in this situation?

3. Paul uses several phrases to explain how Christ is supreme in 1:15-20. Share how they are personally important to you. How should each of them affect our attitudes and actions?

4. What do you think Paul means when he says Christ is “the firstborn from among the dead” (v. 18)? (See 1 Cor 15:12-23)

5. How does Colossians 1:19-20 help to explain the way that Jesus reflects God’s image? God’s purposes?

6. In what ways this week can you enjoy and grow in having Jesus Christ be priority number one in your life?