The Framework for Transformation [Part 1]

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 1 in our new Fall series entitled "Foundational Faith”.

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Warm-up. Why is faith foundational?

Read: Mark 10:46-52. Ask God to bless your study.

1. What is the significance of Bartimaeus referring to Jesus as the “Son of David” (Isaiah 9:7)? What is significant about Bartimaeus calling Jesus as Rabboni, “my Supreme Master”?

2. Why did Jesus ask this blind man what he wanted—wasn’t it obvious?

3. In what sense are we all blind until Jesus heals us?

4. Bartimaeus was desperate to get to Jesus. What are some of the reasons why we shy away from being desperate for Jesus?

5. Bartimaues threw aside his cloak to come to Jesus. What is your cloak? What represents protection/provision in your life?

6. Why did Bartimaeus immediately follow Jesus? How do his reasons compare with the reasons you might have?

7. What does Bartimaeus’ persistence teach us about prayer?

8. If Jesus asked you the same question he asked Bartimaeus, how would you respond? What do you want Jesus to do for you?