The Life of Joseph [Part 5]
/Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 5 in our Winter series entitled "Dreams Fulfilled”.
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Warm-up. What is your favourite movie and why?
Read: Genesis 42:1-17. Ask God to bless your study.
1. What do you think Joseph first felt when seeing his brothers after so many years and trials? How would you have reacted?
2. The brothers respond to the silver’s surprising presence in one of their sacks by considering what God might have to do with it. How often do you consider whether God might be acting purposefully in surprising events in your life?
3. Jacob was not a great father. He favoured and overindulged one son while being overly harsh towards the other sons. Read Hebrews 12:5-11. In what ways was God, as a better Father, at work in the lives of Jacob’s sons to cultivate their characters?
4. Early in the story, the brothers conclude that they are being punished for their previous actions toward Joseph. Yet they are not fully repentant. In what ways did Joseph use God’s method of sun and frost, truth and love, conviction and compassion, to help open the brothers up to God?
5. Judah offers himself as a substitute for Benjamin. What parallels do you see between what he does and what Jesus has done for us?
6. What was it about Judah’s substitutional offer to take Benjamin’s place, that lead to Joseph finally feeling that he could then reveal his identity and story to his brothers?
7. What does the transformation of Joseph and his brothers tell us about change, repentance, and restoration?