The Life of Joseph [Part 6]
/Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 6 in our Winter series entitled "The Way of Restoration”.
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Warm-up. How’d you most like to be remembered?
Read: Genesis 50:12-21. Ask God to bless your study.
1. Joseph’s life can be summarized by the phrase “you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” Can you think of other biblical characters who could have said the same thing?
2. In what way(s) have you tried to take God’s place (to be your own moral authority, or inordinately worry, or let people look to you for their deepest needs, or to be in judgment over others)? What are some of the consequences of doing this?
3. How does Joseph give us a model for embracing God’s perspective in our lives, even when things are painful and hard?
4. Joseph’s brothers are afraid of him after their father, Jacob, dies. What does Joseph’s exemplifying love and grace to them reveal about the true nature of forgiveness? What does it say about God’s forgiveness of us through his only Son, Jesus?
5. Have there been instances in your life when someone clearly meant evil against you? Have you seen, in retrospect, God working those events for your good and his glory? In what ways? Have you been able to forgive the offender as Joseph forgave his brothers? Is there, perhaps, an appropriate way for you to let that person know he or she is fully forgiven?