Meandering - Prayer Advocates

“…we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”  1 John 2:1

In Luke 22:31-32, Jesus tells Peter, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail.” The use of Peter’s old name might have been because Jesus knew that Peter was defaulting into his old ways of independent bravado. Jesus not only wanted to get his attention, but in repeating his name, he displayed his sincere affection and care for his well-meaning, but thick-headed, disciple. Proof of Peter’s dull spiritual hearing is revealed in his response to Jesus’ loving warning about his dangerous naiveté. Peter immediately, without properly pondering the words of his Master, as much as says, “No worries, Lord. I got this. Don’t you know that I’m prepared to go to prison, or even to death, with you?” Peter did go on to fail miserably, but his faith did not ultimately fail, thanks to his Advocate, Jesus, who was praying for him. Where would Peter have been, where would any of us be, without Christ praying for us as our Advocate?

Better than great monetary wealth, our God is renewing and expanding our minds and hearts as to the importance and power of prayer. Pastor Sterling and the Prayer Team have been highlighting this through such endeavours as the inspiring prayer verses written out each week at the Prayer Centre in the foyer. I am also excited about, along with Pastor Jon who is helping to resource, a new prayer initiative in our church called, Prayer Advocates. Laurel and Andrew Jamieson, who speak of our church’s rich history of praying for one another, are creating an opportunity for our children to be even more supported in prayer. Laurel recently shared how she and Andrew have experienced the importance of small groups and prayer ministry here and the impact it has made, not only on their lives, but on their children’s as well. She told me how some years ago one of their daughters was partnered with a beautiful Christian woman who faithfully prayed for her. Today they are witnessing the fruit of those prayers as they watch her family grow in their Christian faith.   

The Jamiesons’ passion for this ministry is clear when Laurel states, “Prayer matters. To make our requests known to a personal God, the same God who created this planet, should be enough to spur us forward. We are excited to be facilitating the process for engaging adults in our church to pray daily for a youth in our church. I hope they’ll consider this as a bonus in their daily prayer time - bringing these precious ones to the throne of grace where Jesus Christ (our advocate) pleads our case before the Father.”

Jesus is praying for us, and we have the opportunity to pray with him for our children through what can be the challenging years of adolescence. If you haven’t already done so, contact Andrew or Laurel Jamieson ( as to how you can participate in the Prayer Advocates ministry.

Thanks for meandering along with me,
Pastor Daniel