Meandering - Double Fireplace

Meandering - Double Fireplace

Berated and bleached by briny winds, few clapboards remained. The loosened and disheveled stone basement was slowly swallowing up the once ornate seaside house. Not far from where the Anabaptists first landed in 1763, this dilapidated homestead had at one time sheltered inhabitants from the frigid winds of the Bay of Fundy. In my late teens, along with a friend, I gingerly stepped onto it’s sunken porch, having summoned the courage to explore the long vacated property...

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Meandering - Prayer Advocates

Meandering - Prayer Advocates

Laurel states, “Prayer matters. To make our requests known to a personal God, the same God who created this planet, should be enough to spur us forward. We are excited to be facilitating the process for engaging adults in our church to pray daily for a youth in our church. I hope they’ll consider this as a bonus in their daily prayer time - bringing these precious ones to the throne of grace where Jesus Christ (our advocate) pleads our case before the Father.”

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Meandering - Grace Alive

Meandering - Grace Alive

As someone said, “You can’t teach experience.” It’s true, however, in order to get experience you have to apply and practice what you’re being taught. God graciously loves us and redeems us just as we are, but he loves us too much to leave us that way. We are learning new things and changing all the time, primarily through the people and products that we are around the most.

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Meandering - Sweet Pea

Meandering - Sweet Pea

I remember swallowing hard, and not being really happy in preparing to give my first tithe. Yet, I also recall a sense of God’s pleasure in my trusting him. When Sunday morning came, I was filled with joy as I gave my tithe and offering in worship. Then, not unlike many others who have since shared with me similar stories, God gave back to me in unexpected, abundant ways that far exceeded what I had given. This left no room for doubting the truth that God was teaching me, as seen in the words of Jesus in Luke 6:38“give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

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Meandering - Not Staying Not Ok

Meandering - Not Staying Not Ok

It’s been said that it’s okay to not be okay, but it’s not okay to stay that way. Looking back on Peter’s life, I think he would heartily agree. God transformed this everyday, curmudgeon of a fisherman into a humble servant-leader he used to change the world.  Peter’s brokenness endears him to us, while his dogged pursuit of holiness and obedience to Christ inspires us to believe that God can do the same in us.  

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